Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 2: January 15th

Hello Friends!

Coming from Kevin and Michelle..Today was perfect! Craig, Hema, Anna, and I (michelle) went for a 30 minute jog around Nassau with the beach breeze cooling us off (jealous?). After showers and a wonderful continental breakfast we met with the Rockhurst college group (a very animated group from Kansas City) and headed toward the local "South Beach" area. Here we met with the Director of Enviornmental Protection in the city of Nassau. She told us about how people frequented the beach on Sundays to swim and socialize. Afterwards, because it is no longer governmental property, they leave all their trash behind where the school kids later come to play in the broken glass and trash. For two hours or so we were able to fill an entire trash truck with the stuff we picked up, got the media to love us (we're famous...our pictures will be in the papers), admired the beautiful blue water and got our shoes muddy when it started to rain. (Thanks for the shoes mom!)

After a quick lunch at subway, we visited the College of Bahamas, where we got a tour of the campus and a dynamic view of typical thursday Bahamian college life. This was a blast and kind of made us jealous (there are no palm trees in the great state of Maryland). Later, Emerson (the crazy driver) brought us to the Atlantis, the tourist area that everyone thinks of when they think of the Bahamas. After walking through the popular aquarium and pool areas we quickly noticed the difference between the tourists towns and the local areas. Although the Bahamas are the richest islands in the Carribean, the local areas are very rundown. Despite these conditions, Bahamians are far more friendly than most US citizens. Saying "hi" just to say hi is common and genuine.

Although we are on a strict food budget we enjoyed a fantastic dinner of salads and chicken fingers at the Hilton. After two hours of laughing and talking, I think we speak for all 15 of us when I say it was a great 2 hours of bonding for the group. Things are going great and we're all VERY excited about Andros tomorrow. Judging by what the Rockhurst kids told us during all the activities the beaches are incredible, the work is hard but rewarding, and the people are extremely hospitable.

SO! Thanks for the love and support you all have given us because we're having the time of our lives. LOVE, KEVIN AND MICHELLE

ps... mom and dad? can I come back next year?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like this trip is everything you could want so far. I hope your time on Andros is just as much fun and rewarding. Glad the shoes helped. Today we have 10 degrees and a nasty, wicked wind chill. You bet I'm jealous. As for next year......I'd love to!
